It is a fact of life that book knowledge can only get you so far before you have to experience something yourself. This hour is an example of how book knowledge was made real when you assembled a game that relied on what you've learned about game programming. The Henway game made use of the sprite animation code that you developed in the previous two hours, as well as a great deal of the user input code that you built in to the game engine earlier in the book. Hopefully, you're feeling a sense of gratification that the work you've spent constructing the game engine is starting to pay off in the development of a complete game with a surprisingly small amount of code.
This hour concludes the current part of the book. The next part, "Making Noise with Sound and Music," introduces you to digital sound effects and music, as well as the role they play in games. Not surprisingly, you learn how to add sound and music to games. In fact, you'll encounter the Henway game once more in the next part when you add sound effects and music to it.