Common Error Messages
This section describes common error messages that you might find in the error log during mod_dav installation:
Lock Database
If you find a message similar to the following:
(2)No such file or directory: A lock database was not specified with the DAVLockDB directive. One must be specified to use the locking functionality. [500, #401]
The message means that, as the text says, you need to provide a DavLockDB directive in the configuration file. If the directive is specified, but the directory containing the lock file cannot be written to; you will get a message like the following:
The lock database could not be opened, preventing access to the various lock properties for the PROPFIND. [500, #0]
Fix the permissions so the path of the DavLockDB directive has write permission for the user Apache runs as.
Web Folders
If you can't connect to your DAV server via a Microsoft Web folder and you find something similar to
"OPTIONS /davdocs HTTP/1.1" 301
in the access log, it means that Apache is sending a redirect (HTTP code 301) to the Microsoft client, but the client is getting confused. Apache provides a workaround against this buggy behavior, as explained in earlier sections. Make sure that the following line is present in your configuration file:
BrowserMatch "Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider" redirect-carefully