On a scale of 1 to 7, to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Slightly disagree
4 = Neutral
5 = Slightly agree
6 = Agree
7 = Strongly agree
Shared Information and Open Communication
___ 1. People have easy access to the information they need to do their job effectively.
___ 2. Plans and decisions are communicated so that they are clearly understood.
Compelling Vision: Purpose and Values
___ 1. Leadership is aligned around a shared vision and values.
___ 2. People have passion around a shared purpose and values.
Ongoing Learning
___ 1. People are actively supported in the development of new skills and competencies.
___ 2. Your organization continually incorporates new learning into standard ways of doing business.
Relentless Focus on Customer Results
___ 1. Everyone maintains the highest standards of quality and service.
___ 2. All work processes are designed to make it easier for your customers to do business with you.
Energizing Systems and Structures
___ 1. Systems, structures, and formal and informal practices are integrated and aligned.
___ 2. Systems, structures, and formal and informal practices make it easy for people to get their jobs done.
Shared Power and High Involvement
___ 1. People have an opportunity to influence decisions that affect them.
___ 2. Teams are used as a vehicle for accomplishing work and influencing decisions.
___ 1. Leaders think that leading is about serving, not being served.
___ 2. Leaders remove barriers to help people focus on their work and their customers.
How Does Your Organization Score?
It is possible to receive a total of 14 points for each of the elements and for the supplemental questions on leadership.
Add the scores for each element to determine how strong your organization is in that element:
Score 12 to 14 = High performing
Score 9 to 11 = Average
Score 8 or below = Opportunity for improvement
How Should I Use My Quiz Results?
Although this quiz may help you determine if your organization is high performing, the main purpose of the quiz at this point is to guide your reading. While the sections and chapters of this book are sequenced for good reason, they may not be laid out in the order that most matters to you and your organization today. If you scored 8 or below on any element of the HPO SCORES® quiz, you might want to begin by focusing specifically on that area.
While it makes perfect sense to us to focus first on Section I, “Set Your Sights on the Right Target and Vision,” it may make more sense for you to start with Section IV, “Have the Right Kind of Leadership.” For example, some organizations have a long history of having the right target and vision, but in recent years, some self-serving leaders have risen to the top and have been causing a gap between the espoused vision and values and the vision and values in action. Other organizations have a real sense of the right target and vision, but a culture has emerged that is not treating its customers right. If that sounds familiar to you, you might want to start with Section III, “Treat Your Customers Right.”
If you have no particular problem areas, we recommend that you start at the beginning and move through the planned sequence of sections as you learn how to create a high performing organization.