UDDI Project
To address this challenge, a group of technology and business leaders have come together to develop the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration [UDDI] specificationa sweeping initiative that creates a global, platform-independent, open framework to enable businesses to (1) discover each other, (2) define how they interact over the Internet, and (3) share information in a global registry that will more rapidly accelerate the global adoption of B2B eCommerce.
Each incremental advance in Web-enabled commerce has carried deep implications for business processes and organizational culture. UDDI is a major advancethe first cross-industry effort driven by platform providers, software developers, marketplace operators, and eCommerce and business leaders that comprehensively addresses the problems limiting the growth of B2B eCommerce, and that will benefit businesses of all sizes by creating this global, platform-independent, open framework.
UDDI is a building block to enable businesses to quickly, easily and dynamically find and transact with one another via their preferred applications. Participation in UDDI can help an established B2B eCommerce player expand into new markets and services or allow any size company just entering the online space to accelerate toward a world-class business presence.
The UDDI specifications take advantage of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards such as Extensible Markup Language (XML), HTTP, and Domain Name System (DNS) protocols. Additionally, cross platform programming features are addressed by adopting early versions of the proposed Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messaging specifications found at the W3C Web site.