What is the name of the protocol that XML Web services use to return data?
SOAP, or Simple Object Access Protocol
What is the name of the description language that Microsoft uses for defining an XML Web service?
WSDL, or Service Contract Language
Microsoft and several other major companies have joined together in providing an online index or repository of available XML Web services. What is this registry called?
UDDI, or Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
What type of file provides information that points developers to an XML Web service and its WSDL files?
Disco, or discovery files
What feature of .NET allows for the ease of communication between components written in different languages, such as Visual Basic, C#, and even mediated C++?
CLR, or Common Language Runtime
Now that you know what XML Web services are, try to think up some useful examples for yourself. Include the service's methods and functionality in your examples. By the time you finish this book, you will be able to create these services.