Counting On Canopy
While a spokesman for Cisco indicates that the company has abandoned the fixed wireless space in favor of wireless LANS (IEEE 802.11) and mobile wireless, Motorola forges ahead in the early stages of deploying its Canopy product line. With customers in Latin America, Africa, and the United States, Tom Freeburg (a Motorola Corporate Vice-President and Director of Technology for Wireless Broadband Products) notes the technical advantages of his product line. "One of our key parameters after simplicity is resistance to interference. We have a very strong modulation scheme that reuses the same frequency everywhere and the capability to transmit at a rate up to 300x higher than 802.11 modulations, thus providing the maximum bits per Hz allowable by the FCC within a single cell. We strive for maximum frequency effectiveness such that our engineers have built a system that is as reliable as possible, considering that this is shared unlicensed spectrum."