Binary Distributions
If you are not comfortable with compiling your own version of the Apache executable, binary distributions also are available at the Web site.
The binary distributions available for download are platform specific, so you must have at least a basic knowledge about what sort of CPU your system has. On most Unix and Linux systems, you can display this information with the following command:
uname a
Having downloaded the binary, you must unpack it with the tar command:
tar -xvzf apache_?.?.?-i686-whatever-linux.tar.gz
This creates a directory apache_?.?.?, where ?.?.? is the version number of the distribution you just unpacked. All the relevant files are stored in or under that directory. An installation script named is provided with the binary distribution. By default, it installs Apache in the directory /usr/ local/apache. However, you may provide a command line option to the bindist script specifying some other location for installation: /some/where/else
Note that this command should be run as the root user.
The binary distribution contains all the standard modules (listed before) compiled as shared object files. This means the modules can be loaded or unloaded at run time by using Load-Module and AddModule directives in the configuration file. See the section on Dynamic Shared Objects for more information.