1.3 Values of Continuous Delivery
Using the motivation and the approaches of Continuous Integration, we want to optimize the way for releases into production.
A fundamental principle of Continuous Integration is: “If it hurts, do it more often and bring the pain forward.” What sounds like masochism is in reality an approach for problem solving. Instead of avoiding problems with releases by bringing as few releases as possible into production, these processes should be performed as often and as early as possible in order to optimize them as quickly as possible—with regards to speed and with regards to reliability. Consequently, Continuous Delivery forces the organization to change and to adopt a new way of working.
In the end this approach is not really surprising: As mentioned, every IT organization is able to rapidly bring a fix into production—and in such a scenario it is common practice to perform only a fraction of the usual tests and security checks. This is possible because the change is small and therefore represents only a small risk. Here, another approach for minimizing risk becomes apparent: Instead of trying to safeguard against failures via complex processes and rare releases, it is also possible to more frequently bring small changes into production. This approach is in essence identical to the Continuous Integration strategy: Continuous Integration means that even small software changes by the individual developers and the team are permanently integrated instead of having the teams and developers work independently for days or weeks and integrating all the accumulated changes only at the end—a strategy that frequently causes substantial problems; in some cases the problems are so large that the software cannot be compiled at all.
However, Continuous Delivery is more than just “fast and small.” Continuous Delivery is based on different values. From these values, concrete technical measures can be deduced.
1.3.1 Regularity
Regularity means to execute processes more frequently. All processes that are necessary to bring software into production should regularly be performed—and not only when a release has to be brought into production. For example, it is necessary to build test and staging environments. The test environments can be used for acceptance or technical tests. The staging environments can be used by the final customer for testing and evaluating the features of a new release. By providing these environments, the process for the generation of an environment can turn into a regular process that is not merely performed when the production environment has to be created. To generate this multitude of environments without too much effort the processes have to become largely automated. Regularity usually leads to automation. Similar rules apply to tests: It does not make sense to postpone the necessary tests until right before the release—instead they should rather be performed regularly. Also in this case this approach basically forces automation in order to limit the necessary effort. Regularity also leads to a high degree of reliability—processes that are frequently performed can be reliably repeated and executed.
1.3.2 Traceability/Confirmability
All changes to the software that is supposed to be brought into production and to the infrastructure that is required for the release have to be traceable. It has to be possible to reconstruct each state of the software and of the infrastructure. This leads to versioning that does not only comprise the software, but also the necessary environments. Ideally, it is possible to generate each state of the software together with the environment required for the operation in the right configuration. Thereby all changes to the software and the environments can be traced. Likewise it is very easy to generate a suitable system for error analyses. And finally, changes can be documented or audited in this manner.
One possible solution for the problem is that production and staging environments are only accessible for certain persons. This is supposed to avoid “quick fixes” that are not documented and cannot be traced anymore. Besides, security requirements and data security argue against accessing production environments.
With Continuous Delivery, interventions into an environment are only possible when an installation script is changed. The changes to the scripts are traceable when they are deposited in a version control system. The developers of the scripts also do not have access to the production data so that there are also no problems with data security.
1.3.3 Regression
To minimize the risk associated with bringing software into production, the software has to be tested. Of course, the correct functioning of new features has to be assured during the testing. However, a lot of effort arises from the attempt to avoid regressions—that is, errors that are introduced by modifications in already tested software parts. This would in effect require that all tests be rerun in case of a modification since in the end a modification at one site of the system might cause an error somewhere else. This necessitates automated tests. Otherwise the required effort for the execution becomes much too high. Should an error nevertheless make its way into production, it can still be discovered by monitoring. Ideally, there is the possibility to install as simply as possible an older version on the production system without the error (rollback) or to bring a fix quickly into production (roll forward). In the end the idea is to have a kind of early warning system that takes measures throughout different phases of the project, like test and production, to discover and solve regressions.