- Introduction
- What Is the ZODB?
- Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
- Why Are Database Adapters Necessary?
- Which Database Adapter Do I Need?
- Connecting MySQL and Zope
- Gadfly—Zope's Integrated Demo Relational Database
- Introduction to SQL
- Using Z SQL Methods to Submit SQL Statements
- Summary
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
Mainly, you can divide databases into two categories: commercial relational database management systems and open-source relational database management systems.
The leading commercial RDBMSs are Oracle (http://www.oracle.com) and Sybase (http://www.sybase.com).
However, these databases are not suitable for home users or small businesses because of the cost factor. The price for a license for one of these databases varies from a few thousand up to a few hundred thousand dollars which, for some companies, may be too expensive. They also are much more resource intensive. But both Oracle and Sybase are worth their money because they come with many more features and possibilities than their open-source counterparts.
The most important open-source RDBMSs are
MySQL (http://www.mysql.com)
PostgreSQL (http://www.postgresql.com)
Interbase (http://www.interbase.com)
In this chapter, we are going to describe how to connect a MySQL database to Zope. This procedure only differs from say, Oracle or Sybase, in that you need to use the respective database adapter for those databases.
Most of the previously mentioned databases are transactional databases. However, out-of-the-box MySQL is not transaction aware.
Zope does work best with transactional databases. Inconsistency problems can arise when a ZODB transaction is aborted if the RDBMS is not transactional.