Organization Impact
If nothing else, the expanded Zachman framework helps us understand that there are many requirements to be captured in order to build any product, including an Internet product. With this number of requirements, it is important to organize them in a fashion that makes it easy to identify any gaps in knowledge. Adding community, perspective, focus, and association as another means to identify categories of requirements assists in organizing the requirements for gap and inconsistency analysis.
Each perspective for each community creates a separate work product. A separate work product may be (but is not necessarily) further delivered for each focus and for each perspective and each community. Each of these work product deliverables contains requirements that should be linked to related requirements in other documents. This is easier to accomplish with the assistance of a requirements management tool.
Most requirements management tools can support the framework. Implementing the requirements set framework requires a requirements engineer who possesses a full understanding of the requirements set framework and the requirements process (including allocation) to define the filter process for each requirement. The benefits of implementing the framework in the requirements management tool are (1) easier validation and (2) a reporting process between perspectives and iterations of the Internet product.
CASE tools are available that capture some of the categories of requirements. None of them captures all the different types of requirements. Each of these tools can provide a documented output of the requirements for its concentrated focus and perspective. This document should be fed into the requirements management tool for gap and consistency analysis as well as for change control within the entire requirements set.