Five Stages of Disruptive Thinking
Disruptive thinking develops through a five-stage process:
- Craft a disruptive hypothesis.
- Define a disruptive market opportunity.
- Generate several disruptive ideas.
- Shape them into a single, disruptive solution.
- Make a disruptive pitch that will persuade internal or external stakeholders to invest or adopt what you’ve created.
The book is organized into three parts. By the end of Part I, you’ll have come up with three disruptive ideas—ideas that have potential but still need to be tested and refined. If you want to take those ideas to the next level, Part II will get you there by walking you through the process of gaining consumer feedback, transforming your ideas into solutions, and then pitching the results. Part III delves into the management of innovation and the disruptive leader’s role in helping people (including themselves) out of their conceptual habits and biases. It explains the need to foster disruptive thinking and ensure that all employees know when and how to do it.
This is not a book you can pick up and start on page 50, read a few pages, and put down. Again, it’s like a cookbook. For the best results, you need to follow the steps in order, just the way they’re laid out. Here’s a bit more detail on what each chapter covers.