- Your Starting Condition
- The Kickstart Process
- The Kickstart Event
- Some Final Thoughts
- Tying It All Together
Tying It All Together
This chapter outlines one approach for introducing Scrumban to a team or organization. Though not explicitly called out, it assumes the rollout is taking place in a mid-size or larger organization with an objective of catalyzing change to key outcomes across the enterprise.
Software engineers, project and product managers, and the other professionals with whom they interact are generally intelligent and capable people. While this chapter has provided enough detail for the uninitiated to begin introducing Scrumban on their own, don’t discount the value of calling in outside experts, especially those who have seasoned systems thinking capabilities and a deep understanding of the Kanban Method. Indeed, the folks at Siemens Health Services made a point to call this out in the case study of their own experience.