In this chapter we learned a great deal of information on designing the first part of our level. We had a brief overview of level design and reviewed a few simple principles to make our level slightly more enjoyable.
After this we dug into Unity and using the Scene View and camera controls to navigate our Scene. Using a variety of methods, you should now be able to easily move around to view and place your GameObjects in world space.
We went into great detail on the Unity Transforms and Transform Components. This is how we will position, rotate, and scale the elements of our game. We went into 2D projections and Z-depth and how we will use sorting and ordering to added depth and priority to our sprites in the game.
Finally, we started building our first level, adding Prefabs, and setting up sorting and some organization for our Scene. We set a few attributes in the master Prefab and saw how this will directly update all instances in our Scene. From here you are left to carry on and finish the design of your level.
In Chapter 6, “Adding Animations to Our Scene,” we will start bringing our characters and Scene elements to life. We will learn how to add a series of complex behaviors and how we can make things move realistically in a short amount of time and with little effort. With that, let’s get moving!