- Getting Acquainted with Unity
- Using Applications
- Using Ubuntu in Your Language
- Configuring a Printer
- Keeping Your Computer Updated
- Adding and Removing Programs and Packages
- Upgrading to the Next Ubuntu Release
- Ubuntu and Multimedia
- Backing Up
- Customizing Ubuntu?s Look and Feel
- Unity in Other Devices
- Summary
Using Ubuntu in Your Language
When you installed Ubuntu, you were asked which language the system should use. Although this sets the initial language for the system, you may want to change the language at a later date. To do this, search the Dash for Language Support.
Ubuntu supports a huge range of different languages, and many applications include a Translate This Application menu option in the Help menu so that all Ubuntu users can contribute translations in their language(s). If you would like to help with this effort, it is a fantastic contribution to the Ubuntu project.
When the language selector first loads, it may ask you to update your language packs. Just click Yes to continue. Inside the dialog box, you will find a list of the currently installed language packs. Also, a number of languages are available for installation. To install or remove language packs, click the Install/Remove Languages button. You will then see a list of languages, each of which has a Support checkbox listed next to it. For each language that you want to install/remove on the system, check the relevant boxes.
When you have selected the boxes, click the Apply button, and the appropriate language packs are downloaded and installed. Now, choose the language you want to use as a default from the list, and click Apply System- Wide. You need to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.