- Why XML?
- Where Do I Use XML?
- HTML Form Data to XML Conversion
- Conclusion
HTML Form Data to XML Conversion
Our objective in this article is to suggest some simple methods to use HTML forms to construct XML documents, which can then be passed to a database or saved as a file. We will start with a simple XML document and then discuss how we can enhance the code to handle more complex XML structures.
A Simple XML Document
In this case, constructing the XML document requires iterating through the form data in the request object and writing the value of each form field as an XML Document Node.
To exclude the form fields that we do not wish to include within the XML document, we will append the string "__exclude__" to the field name in the HTML form data.
Assume that we have a simple XML document that we need to construct, as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <function> <func_name>ADD_USER</func_name> <firstname>Jasmit</firstname> <middlename>Singh</middlename> <lastname>Kochhar</lastname> <address>1234 Some Dr.</address> <city>Pleasant Hill</city> <state>CA</state> <zip>94523</zip> </function>
The data is captured using the HTML form given as follows (NewUser.html):
<html> <head><title>New User Information</title></head> <body> <form action="ProcessData.asp" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <h2>Please provide the following information</h2> <input type="hidden" name="func_name" value="ADD_USER"> <table> <tr><td><b>First Name:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="firstname" size="40"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Middle Name:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="middlename" size="40"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Last Name:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="lastname" size="40"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Street Address:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="address" size="40"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>City, State - Zip:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="city" size="30">, <input type="text" name="state" size="2"> <input type="text" name="zip" size="10"></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" name="__exclude__Submit" value="Submit"> </td></tr> </table> </form> </body></html>
The only difference in the preceding HTML form is the form field for the button with the name "__exclude__Submit". We wish to include all other input variables as part of the XML document generated.
The form is submitted from a user's Web browser to the Web server that sends the data to the ASP page ProcessData.asp. The details for the page are as follows:
<% Option Explicit '-------------------- ProcessData.asp--------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The Function saveXMLData saves the XML doc in the filename specified. ' The function can be easily adapted to send the data directly to ' a database object '-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function saveXMLData(strPath, strFileName) 'Declare local variables. Dim aXMLDoc Dim aRootNode Dim aFormVar Dim aPI Dim Item 'Create an XMLDOM Object Set aXMLDoc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") aXMLDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = True 'Create the root node for the document Set aRootNode = aXMLDoc.createElement("function") aXMLDoc.appendChild aRootNode 'Iterate the Request Object for all form data For Each item in Request.Form 'Do not include the variable if it contains __exclude__ If instr(1,item,"__exclude__") = 0 Then Set aFormVar =aXMLDoc.createElement(item) aFormVar.Text = Request.Form(item) aRootNode.appendChild aFormVar End If Next 'Append the processing instruction Set aPI = aXMLDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'") aXMLDoc.insertBefore aPI, aXMLDoc.childNodes(0) 'Save the XML document. aXMLDoc.save strPath & "\" & strFileName 'Release all references. Set aXMLDoc = Nothing Set aRootNode = Nothing Set aFormVar= Nothing Set item = Nothing Set aPI = Nothing End Function ' The page starts here On Error Resume Next ' Save the XML Data SaveXMLData "c:","NewUser.xml" If err.number <> 0 then Response.write("Errors occurred while saving your information."+ Err.Description) Else Response.write("Thank you for submitting your information.") End If %>
A More Complex XML Document
The first approach will work for very straightforward XML document that is easy to construct from the HTML form data posted. Let us consider a little more involved example of the XML document, as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <function> <name>ADD_USER</name> <parameters> <firstname>Jasmit</firstname> <middlename>Singh</middlename> <lastname>Kochhar</lastname> <contactinfo> <address>1234 Some Dr.</address> <city>Pleasant Hill</city> <state>CA</state> <zip>94523</zip> </contactinfo> </parameters> </function>
The data is captured using a modified HTML form, as follows (NewUserMod.html):
<html> <head><title>New User Information</title></head> <body> <form action="ProcessData.asp" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <h2>Please provide the following information</h2> <input type="hidden" name="1/name" value="ADD_USER"> <table> <tr><td><b>First Name:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="2../parameters/firstname" size="40"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Middle Name:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="3../middlename" size="40"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Last Name:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="4../lastname" size="40"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Street Address:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="5../contactinfo/address" size="40"></td></tr> <tr><td><b>City, State - Zip:</b></td> <td><input type="text" name="6../city" size="30">, <input type="text" name="7../state" size="2"> <input type="text" name="8../zip" size="10"></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </td></tr> </table> </form> </body></html>
This form is a little different from the one we created in NewUser.html. There are three primary distinctions:
The field names start with the order in which we want them to appear in the XML string. Even though all browsers are supposed to submit the input fields in the same order as they are listed in the HTML form (per the HTTP specification), some browsers do not adhere to this rule. The count in front of the fields ensures that the order of the fields processed is retained.
The structure of the XML string is represented in the / notation for traversing a hierarchical tree. If one wants to start an element at the root node, we start the variable with a "/". If we want to process the element with the same parent as the current node, we represent that with "../". Hence, if we wanted to go two levels up, we would represent that as "../../".
Finally, any of the HTML form fields that are not to be included in the XML string are represented without any number appended to them. For example, the submit button has no order appended to it.
The form is submitted from the user's Web browser to the Web server, which sends the data to the ASP page ProcessDataMod.asp. The details for the page are as follows:
<% Option Explicit '-------------------- ProcessDataMod.asp------------------------------ '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function returns the order for the item in the HTML form to be ' considered for the construction of the XML document. The function ' also returns the name of the valiable with the order removed '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getItemOrder(strItem) 'Declare the local variables Dim totLen Dim i Dim strTest Dim LoopStop Dim order 'If the variable does not have an order indicated return order as -1 order = -1 i=1 totLen = Len(strItem) if (totLen > 0) then LoopStop = false end if DO UNTIL LoopStop strTest = Left(strItem, i) ' Continue concatenating a character of the string till it ' is an integer if ((isNumeric(strTest)) and (instr(strTest, ".")=0)) then LoopStop = false else ' The integer has ended in the string LoopStop = true if ( i> 1) then ' Get the integer part of the variable asthe order for the string ' and copy the rest in the original string variable strTest = Left(strItem, i-1) strItem = Right(strItem, totLen-i+1) order = CInt(strTest) end if end if i = i+1 LOOP getItemOrder = order end Function '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The Function saveXMLData saves the XML doc in the filename specified. ' The function can be easily adapted to send the data directly to ' a database object '-------------------------------------------------------------------- Function saveXMLData(strPath, strFileName) 'Declare local variables. Dim aXMLDoc Dim aRootNode Dim aFormVar Dim aPI Dim Item Dim strItem Dim OrdrItem Dim aDictObj Dim maxNum Dim ItemsArray Dim CurrNode Dim NodeName Dim i Dim j 'Create an XMLDOM Object Set aXMLDoc =server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") aXMLDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = True 'Create the root node for the document Set aRootNode = aXMLDoc.createElement("function") aXMLDoc.appendChild aRootNode ' Set the root node of the document as the current node Set currNode = aRootNode ' Use a dictionary object to store the variables from the ' html form so as to retrieve them in the indicated order Set aDictObj = server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' Store the order of the last variable in MaxNum MaxNum = -1 ' Iterate the Request Object for all form data ' and put the variables in the dictionary object ' with the key indicating their order For Each item in Request.Form strItem = item OrdrItem = getItemOrder(stritem) if (MaxNum < OrdrItem) then MaxNum = OrdrItem end if if (OrdrItem > 0) then aDictObj.Add OrdrItem, stritem end if Next ' Iterate to the value of the variable MaxNum ' and process each field as indicated by the ' HTML form element into corresponding leaves ' of the XML document For i = 1 to MaxNum if (aDictObj.exists(i)) then strItem = aDictObj.Item(i) ' Parse the variable for all the / which indicate the level ItemsArray = Split(stritem, "/") For j= 0 to UBOUND(ItemsArray) NodeName = CStr(Trim(ItemsArray(j))) if (NodeName = "") then ' -- Get the root Node of the XML document Set currNode = aRootNode elseif (NodeName = "..") then ' -- Get the parent of the current node in the XML document Set currNode = CurrNode.parentNode else 'Create an element Set aFormVar =aXMLDoc.createElement(NodeName) currNode.appendChild aFormVar Set currNode = aFormVar end if NEXT ' For the final leaf node get the value submitted in the HTML form currNode.Text = Request.Form(CStr(i)+stritem) end if Next 'Append the processing instruction Set aPI = aXMLDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'") aXMLDoc.insertBefore aPI, aXMLDoc.childNodes(0) 'Save the XML document aXMLDoc.save strPath & "\" & strFileName 'Release all object references Set aXMLDoc = Nothing Set aRootNode = Nothing Set aFormVar= Nothing Set item = Nothing Set aPI = Nothing Set currNode = Nothing Set aDictObj = Nothing End Function On Error Resume Next ' Save the XML Data SaveXMLData "c:","NewUserMod.xml" If err.number <> 0 then Response.write("Errors occurred while saving your information."+ Err.Description) Else Response.write("Thank you for submitting your information.") End If %>