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From the book
- Dice simulation. The following code computes the exact probability distribution for the sum of two dice:
- Empirical shuffle check. Run computational experiments to check that our shuffling code on page 32 works as advertised. Write a program ShuffleTest that takes command-line arguments M and N, does N shuffles of an array of size M that is initialized with a[i] = i before each shuffle, and prints an M-by-M table such that row i gives the number of times i wound up in position j for all j. All entries in the array should be close to N/M.
- Bad shuffling. Suppose that you choose a random integer between 0 and N-1 in our shuffling code instead of one between i and N-1. Show that the resulting order is not equally likely to be one of the N! possibilities. Run the test of the previous exercise for this version.
- Binary search versus brute-force search. Write a program BruteForceSearch that uses the brute-force search method given on page 48 and compare its running time on your computer with that of BinarySearch for largeW.txt and largeT.txt.
- Random matches. Write a BinarySearch client that takes an int value T as command-line argument and runs T trials of the following experiment for N = 103, 104, 105, and 106: generate two arrays of N randomly generated positive six-digit int values, and find the number of values that appear in both arrays. Print a table giving the average value of this quantity over the T trials for each value of N.
int SIDES = 6;
double[] dist = new double[2*SIDES+1];
for (int i = 1; i <= SIDES; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= SIDES; j++)
dist[i+j] += 1.0;
for (int k = 2; k <= 2*SIDES; k++)
dist[k] /= 36.0;
The value dist[i] is the probability that the dice sum to k. Run experiments to validate this calculation simulating N dice throws, keeping track of the frequencies of occurrence of each value when you compute the sum of two random integers between 1 and 6. How large does N have to be before your empirical results match the exact results to three decimal places?
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