Managing Dynamic Volumes
Dynamic disk volumes are managed through the Disk Management interface, as shown in Figure 2. In the top part of the right pane, the volume label is displayed with additional information about the disk: layout, type, file system, status, capacity, and free space. The status label gives you information about the disk; and may display as follows, depending on the condition of the disk:
Healthy: The volume is accessible and has no known problems.
Healthy (At Risk): The volume is accessible, but I/O errors were detected on the disk. In this case, all volumes on the disk are displayed as Healthy (At Risk). The underlying disk is displayed as Online (Errors). Normally, you can return the disk to Online status by reactivating the disk. This can be done by right-clicking on the disk and choosing Reactivate disk.
Initializing: The volume is being initialized and will display as Healthy once the initialization is complete. This status does not require any action.
Resynching: The status indicator occurs on mirror volumes when resynchronization between the two disks is occurring. When the resynchronization is complete, the status returns to Healthy, and no action is required.
Regenerating: In the case of RAID-5 volumes, this status indicator occurs when data is being regenerated from the parity bit. This status does not require any action.
Failed Redundancy: This status indicator appears when the underlying disk is no longer online. In this case, the data is no longer fault-tolerant in either the mirror volume or RAID-5 volume. In order to avoid potential data loss, the volume should be repaired (see the Fault Tolerance section later in this article).
Failed Redundancy (At Risk): This status is the same as Failed Redundancy, but the underlying disk status is usually Online (Errors). To correct the At Risk problem, reactivate the disk so that its status returns to Online.
Failed: The volume cannot be automatically started and the volume needs to be repaired.