1.4. What’s in a Name?
When we wrote Strategies, we did not formally introduce a name for the methods it describes. As we mentioned earlier, practitioners in the industry eventually referred to them as the “Hatley/Pirbhai methods,” or simply the “H/P methods.” This presents us with a dilemma: First, many more people than the two original authors have now contributed to the methods, and at the very least the name should include that of the third author, Peter Hruschka; second, the methods themselves do not represent the entirety of Strategies, and they represent even less the entirety of this book. What we describe in both books is a process for which the methods provide support.
Our solution to this dilemma is to formally adopt separate names for the methods and for the process. Accepting the reality that the industry has de facto adopted a name for the methods, we will change that name to the “Hatley/Hruschka/Pirbhai” or “H/H/P” methods. For the process, the title of this book is about as good a description as we can think of: Process for System Architecture and Requirements Engineering. Its one flaw is its length, so we propose to use its acronym: PSARE, pronounced sari, as in the traditional southern Asian garment.