- Getting Started with melon.js
- Recipe: Creating a Tiled Map
- Recipe: Starting the Game
- Recipe: Adding a Character
- Recipe: Building a Collision Map
- Recipe: Walking and Jumping
- Recipe: Title Screen
- Recipe: Adding Collectables
- Recipe: Enemies
- Recipe: Powerups
- Recipe: Losing, Winning, and Information
- Summary
I hope you enjoyed building a platformer with melonJS and Tiled. Using these tools, we were able to create a basic game with powerups, enemies, coins, as well as winning and losing states in a short amount of time. There are some ways of extending the game you’ve created: Fireballs, enemy/player health, enemy AI, animations for death and jumping, more levels, a countdown timer, saving, high scores...the list goes on and on. And if you’re looking to explore more features of melonJS, there’s plenty to choose from, including timers, audio, parallax scrolling, heads up displays, and bitmap font rendering.
In this chapter, we took advantage of some low-tech, standard JavaScript methods to display information to players. Don’t forget that you are creating games on the web, so techniques such as standard DOM manipulation, pulling in content from other sites, and even redirecting players to other URLs are not only possible, but also rather easy and potentially surprising for players.