All the content in your Kindle library is indexed for easy searching. Search is more useful than it might seem at first. For example, when you’re reading a novel, you can use search to find references to a particular character. This is especially helpful when you pick up a book that you haven’t read in a while.
Search results include content both on your device and in the cloud.
Searching Your Library
Searching your library returns results from books, periodicals, music, documents, and apps.
- From the Home screen, tap inside the search box.
- Tap Libraries to search your library.
- Enter the text you want to search for using the keyboard that appears at the bottom of the screen. Results appear as you type.
- Tap the item you want. If the item is on your device, it opens. If the item is stored on the Amazon cloud, it downloads to your Kindle Fire.
Searching the Web
In addition to searching for items in your libraries, you can search the Web quickly from the home screen.
- From the home screen, tap inside the search box.
- Tap Web to search the Web.
- Enter the text you want to search for. Results appear as you type.
- Tap an item in the results to open a search page using your default search engine. The preset default search engine is Bing.
Searching Amazon Stores
You can search for items in the Amazon Stores from the Home screen. This is similar to performing a search on the Amazon website, but you can do it right from your Kindle Fire.
- From the home screen, tap inside the search box.
- Tap Stores to search Amazon Stores.
- Enter the text you want to search for. Results appear as you type.
- Tap an option in the results to get a list of items from a particular Amazon Store that match your search terms.
- Tap the item you want to see from the list of items.