If you're planning to deploy the app by hosting it directly on your website or blog, you can simply click the wrench icon, choose Tools > Extensions, and select the Pack Extension button. Chrome will ask you for the file folder containing the code for your application and for the location of a private key to sign the application, as shown in Figure 4. The private key is generated when the application is first packaged, and it should be used for every successive packaging.
Figure 4 Pack extensions dialog.
On the other hand, if you want the estimated 200 million and growing numbers of Chrome users to have access to your application, you can deploy it to the Chrome Web Store. To deploy via the Chrome Web Store, you first have to archive your application as a zip file and use the Developer Dashboard to upload it, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Developer Dashboard.
In the successive screens, you'll have a chance to enter a description of the application or extension, provide a screenshot of the app and additional icon links, specify the price of the application, and even indicate in which countries it should be made available.
You can download the final source code for the application here.