Making the Best Decision
Which of these big six social networks should your business target? You probably don’t have to utilize all of them, nor do you have the resources to do so; efficiency dictates that you focus your efforts on a few social networks rather than spread them out over a large number.
Knowing what we know about the users of each social network, here are some recommendations:
- If you sell consumer goods to a mass market, Facebook should probably be your social network of choice. In fact, Facebook, due to its size and engagement levels, is a good first choice for all types of businesses; just about everybody is on Facebook, and they spend a lot of time there.
- If you sell to college students or other consumers under age 35 or so, Twitter can be effective.
- If you’re a B2B company, LinkedIn can be an effective and efficient marketing vehicle. B2C companies, however, will get little benefit from marketing to LinkedIn users.
- If you’re in the entertainment business, place a small bet on MySpace. Otherwise, it’s okay to ignore it.
- If you target a more cutting-edge technical audience, consider adding Google+ to the mix. Otherwise, it might be best to wait and see if its engagement improves.
- If you sell to educated women (both working women and stay-at-home moms) with moderate to high incomes, Pinterest has tremendous promise. The engagement on this site is astounding.
So it’s Facebook as the default, with other social networks making sense depending on what you sell and to whom. Segmenting and prioritizing your social media marketing in this fashion will surely provide more effective and efficient results than blanket marketing to all available networks.