Rolling Stone Recommends
Next up is an informative app from the folks at Rolling Stone magazine. The Rolling Stone Recommends app does just what its name implies – it recommends a variety of playlists, albums, and individual songs for your listening pleasure (see Figure 4).
There are several sections of the Rolling Stones Recommends app. The first section is titled Playlists, and it includes links to a number of playlists created from various lists published in Rolling Stone magazine. For example, you can display and play the Best Songs of 2011, tracks from 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time, and playlists created by various musicians and celebrities.
Figure 4 The Rolling Stones Recommends Spotify app.
The Albums section of the app introduces you to the top new album releases of the week. You can read reviews of each album, as well as listen to the selections (if they’re available on Spotify, that is).
Finally, the Songs section offers new and recommended tracks from the magazine’s editors. Yes, there are reviews of each track, too, but the main focus here is listening. Click a track to hear it in Spotify.