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This chapter is from the book
This chapter provided an abridged, high-octane introduction to Objective-C and Foundation. In it, you read about the way that Objective-C extends C and provides support for object-oriented programming. You discovered properties and memory management and were subjected to a speedy review of the most important Foundation classes. So what can you take away from this chapter? Here are a few final thoughts:
- The sample code for this chapter contains all the examples used throughout this introduction. Try testing this material directly in Xcode. Mess around with the material, add your own examples, or expand the ones you’ve been given. A hands-on approach offers the best way to gain critical skills you need for iOS development.
- Learning Objective-C and Cocoa takes more than just a chapter. If you’re serious about learning iOS programming, and these concepts are new to you, consider seeking out single-topic books that are dedicated to introducing these technologies to developers new to the platform. Consider Aaron Hillegass’s Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, 3rd Edition, or Stephen Kochan’s Programming in Objective-C 2.0, 2nd Edition, or Fritz Anderson’s Xcode 3 Unleashed. Apple has an excellent Objective-C 2.0 overview at http://developer.apple.com/Mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjectiveC/Introduction/introObjectiveC.html.
- This chapter mentioned Core Foundation and Carbon but did not delve into these technologies in any depth. You can and will experience C-based APIs in the iOS SDK, particularly when you work with the address book, with Quartz 2D graphics, and with Core Audio, among other frameworks. Each of these specific topic areas are documented exhaustively at Apple’s developer website, complete with sample code. A strong grounding in C (and sometimes C++) programming will help you work through the specific implementation details.
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