Finding Other Useful Business Apps for your iPad 2
Thanks to the support of thousands of programmers and app designers from around the world, what you can do with your iPad 2 in the workplace and while on the go continues to expand. The library of optional, third-party apps available right now for your iPad 2 exceeds what’s offered for any other tablet device on the market.
This chapter features a collection of general business apps that could be useful in terms of helping you discover new and innovative ways to utilize your tablet in order to save time, keep you organized, manage information, communicate, be more productive overall, and juggle the responsibilities of your job.
Especially if you’re a business professional who spends a lot of time out of the office meeting with customers or clients or traveling for business, or if you’re an independent consultant or freelancer who needs to maximize every minute of your day, your iPad can quickly become an indispensible tool.
Business Model Toolbox
To be successful in today’s business world, sometimes you need to think outside of the box. Well, as you’re trying to escape that proverbial box, don’t forget to bring your iPad. With the Business Model Toolbox app ($29.99 USD) installed, you have an easy-to-use but extremely powerful tool for helping you to generate ideas, test them out, and then implement them in an organized, efficient, and cost-effective way.
Using techniques taught in the bestselling book Business Model Generation by Alexander Osteralder and Yves Pigneur, this unique app helps you literally sketch out your business idea on the iPad’s screen using proven methodology and techniques. You’re then prompted to virtually expand upon the idea and test its viability using a spreadsheet-like interface that’s designed to help you do things such as determine market size, pinpoint revenue streams, and calculate costs.
You can then generate reports, charts, and graphs that test the profitability and viability of your idea. This app walks you through nine steps for developing a strong business model and helps you determine the strengths and weaknesses of an idea based on considerations such as customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key partners, and cost structures.
Built in to the app are a dozen revenue and cost formulas and a handful of features and tools that can help any business professional become a visionary by developing workable business models that stem from raw ideas. Business Model Toolbox uses both graphics and text (and a virtual whiteboard) to help you brainstorm and develop your ideas into workable solutions.
Entrepreneurs, business executives, consultants, small business owners, managers, coaches, and investors are just some of the people who can benefit from using this app, which goes well beyond being a basic brainstorming tool.