RSS Settings
Visitors to the home page of your Web site will be able to subscribe to your blog using an RSS reader, such as Bloglines ( or Google Reader (, with no additional work on your part. By default the full text of the most recent ten articles will appear in a subscriber's reader. To customize these settings and add a description, use the following instructions.
- Use the administrative toolbar to navigate to Configuration > Web services > RSS publishing.
- Enter a description for your Web site.
- Adjust the number of items to include in each feed. The default setting of 10 is appropriate.
- Adjust the feed content to suit the content of the feed. In most cases, it is appropriate to leave the default setting "Full text." The other two options are "Titles only" and "Titles plus summary."
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "Save configuration."
Your new settings will now appear in your Web site's feed. Figure 4.10 shows an RSS feed rendered in the browser Firefox. Note the custom description at the top of the page.
Figure 4.10 Your site publishes an RSS feed of all the content promoted to the front page of the site.
The sample content used in Figure 4.10 is from The Diary of a Nobody by George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith ( The diary was written in the late 1800s and is a fictitious account of the life of Mr. Charles Pooter, a middle-aged, self-important city clerk. Sounds sort of like a modern blog, yes?