Posting Status Updates
You can easily post new status updates from the Facebook app, as well as post photos you've taken with your iPhone.
To post a status update, go to the News Feed screen and tap the Status button at the top of the screen. This displays the Status Update screen; use the onscreen keyboard to enter the text of your message; then tap the Share button to post the message.
Figure 6 Enter the text of your status update.
To post a photo, go to the News Feed screen and tap the Photo button. You now have the option of taking a new photo (or video) or choosing an existing photo from your iPhone's photo library.
Figure 7 Select what type of photo to upload.
If you choose the former, your iPhone switches to camera mode; snap a picture, preview the picture, and then tap the Use button. When the next screen appears, tap the Write a Caption area to enter accompanying text for the picture; then tap the Upload button.
Figure 8 Confirming, captioning, and uploading a photo
If you choose to select a photo from your library, you're taken to the iPhone's Photo Albums screen. Select an album and then select a photo. When the next screen appears, tap the Write a Caption area to enter accompanying text; then tap the Upload button.