- The Weblog Chase?
- West Coast Style
- Queen of the Blawgs: Groklaw
- Silly Internet Patents
- I Am Not a Lawyer, But I Read Their Blogs
- Question: How Many Lawyer Jokes Are There?
- Blawg Roundup
Question: How Many Lawyer Jokes Are There?
Information technology is having a huge impact on the law and how business functions and protects investments in intellectual property. Taking some time to browse some of the legal blogs we've touched on here may point you to a valuable insight about a project you're currently working onor, better still, help you avoid a pitfall that you hadn't yet considered.
And just to put a human face on the practice of law, a few personal blogs by attorneys are also worth reading:
None of these blogs deal specifically with technology or even specifically with the law. But occasionally you'll find some interesting technology pointers, and more often than not these blogs show the better side of attorneys, which we can all use a glimpse of from time to time.
(Answer: Just two, the rest are true.)