- Adding Sparklines to a Worksheet
- Understanding the Axis Size of Sparklines
- Creating Column Sparklines for High Temperature Data
- Forcing Each Sparkline to Have the Same Scale
- Adding Labels and Shading the Normal Range on a Sparkline
- Adding a Reference Line
- Adding Shading to Show the Normal Range
- Showing Negative Values
- Win/Loss Sparklines
Creating Column Sparklines for High Temperature Data
The following figure shows column sparklines for average high temperature data for six cities.
In this case, the high marker is set to red, and the small marker is set to black. The colors of the other columns are controlled using the Sparkline Tools Sparkline Color drop-down.
Notice that it is easy to transpose rows of data into columns of sparklines. You won't find a Transpose checkbox in the Create Sparklines dialog. Instead, since you had 6 rows x 12 columns of data, and you indicated that you wanted the sparklines in 1 row x 6 columns, Excel figured out that you wanted each row in the original data set to be a column in the final sparkline.
The headings are not part of the sparkline. You will either have to type them, use Copy & Paste Transpose, or resort to a formula such as =INDEX($A$5:$A$10,COLUMN(A1)) entered in A1 and copied across.
Also, sparklines don't have to be tiny. By increasing the column width and the row height, the size of the sparkline increases.
As you look at the charts above, notice that the warmest month is typically August or July for Miami, Chicago, and Juneau. Curitiba Brazil, far in the southern hemisphere has its warmest month in February. Equator-hugging Trinidad has a virtual tie in April, May, August, and September. So far, so good.
However…compare the January column for Miami and Chicago. How can it be that Miami and Chicago have the same average January temperature? Of course, they do not have the same temperature. You are seeing the downside of Microsoft's decision to have each sparkline have a different vertical axis. The sparkline axis for Miami runs from 76 to 90. The sparkline axis for Chicago runs from 29 to 84.