What's Next?
You may be thinking, "With the many features available in InfoPath, where do I start?" That's a good question. The answer obviously depends on your level of expertise. If you have no experience with InfoPath, start at the beginning. Part I is all about designing form templates from scratch and assumes you have no prior knowledge of InfoPath. Starting with Chapter 2, we will walk you through very basic form design. Each chapter in Part I may assume knowledge of and build on previous chapters. By the time you finish Part I, you can consider yourself an expert form designer and will be able to create complex form templates from scratch with no code, both for InfoPath Filler and for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.
If you are an application developer and already know a bit about InfoPath, feel free to skim over Part I and then jump right into Part II, where we'll talk about advanced form design. We'll discuss adding code to your InfoPath form templates (both script and managed code), using advanced features of InfoPath Forms Services, creating add-ins, hosting InfoPath, creating custom components with ActiveX, and much more.
So, now that you know a little about InfoPath and where to go next, let's get started.