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- Weblog Rings
- Newsfeeds
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Most weblog software generates XML, RDF, and even ATOM documents automatically, enabling you to syndicate your site with these technologies. Although you don't need to use this featureif you're interested in aggregating your content, it would be counterproductive to not use it. As a result, we recommend that you publish your weblog using at least one of these syndication options.
Newsfeeds using XML aggregation work in contemporary newsreaders built to accommodate XML syndication code. There are a wide range of these newsreaders available. We offer some options in the following "Helpful Newsreaders" sidebar, but there are many more out there and more being developed every day.
This form of syndication is becoming an extremely potent means of disseminating content across the Web, making the Web itself more searchable, more semantic (the code in use has meaning and significance) and may well be leading us to new and innovative uses of Web technologies.
It's a very exciting area and one that can be downright addictive, too. Before you know it, you might be spending all your online time moving from weblog to weblog with ease, but ignoring your e-mail or, worse yet, your work!
Helpful Newsreaders
Check out these newsreader clients and services:
Bloglines. This is a free online service that allows you to customize your newsreader list.
NewsMonster. Cross-platform, open-source, rich-featured news managerhighly recommended.
MulleNewz. Specific to OSX, MulleNewz is added to the OSX dock, and you can read your news via headlines.
KlipFolio. Windows-based desktop application for newsfeeds.
Participating in the sharing of content at such a grand scale is truly a great social experiment, as well as allowing anyone's content to be promoted to countless readers worldwide.
Adding a newsfeed to a newsreader varies from newsreader to newsreader. Follow the instructions that come with the reader you choose. Most of the time, it's simply a matter of adding the URL to the page you'd like to add.
Add your own weblog to your newsreader. This is important because it allows you to see how your information looks to others, find errors, and improve the way your weblog is represented.