Create a data file using Microsoft Excel. Include company name, contact name, contact address, telephone number, email, web page, and source. Save this file as a CSV file and import it into Microsoft Dynamics CRM. During the import, you are asked to create a data map. Map each of your fields from your Excel file to fields within the Lead entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Notice that you have to upload a sample data file and, if you have not added a header row to your Excel spreadsheet, the sample data file might be a bit tougher to map to the Lead entity. You might also notice that it is beneficial to have a first-name column and a last-name column in your data file because the Lead entity has the name split into three fields. For the Topic field, map the company name and the source. Notice that you can map two fields, creating a merge effect.
After the leads are imported, check the system messages. Did all the leads get imported, or were there errors?
Now, open one of your new leads and populate a few more fields. Now, try converting it to an account, contact, and opportunity. What data gets moved during convert?