- What Can Opera Unite Do for Me?
- Opera Unite: The Browser?
- Why Not The Cloud?
- For Linux Users: Why Not Samba?
- Installation
- Setup
Opera Unite: The Browser?
How does Opera Unite 10-beta work as a browser? Just like later versions of Opera 9.xx minus browser, but with an added “Opera Turbo” feature for browsing on slower networks, it tells servers to deliver content in compressed form over the network and decompresses on-the-fly.
In other words, people familiar with release versions of Opera need only set the Opera Turbo feature to Automatic and let Opera deal with it. Left-click the small triangle to the right of the speedometer icon on the bottom-left of the browser window, set Configure Turbo, select Automatic, and forget it. It actually is a nice feature, especially for those dealing with low-end broadband, problematic mobile 3G, or tethered to mobile phone links. And that's all that needs to be said about Opera 10-beta as a web browser, except…
There's only one thing that is really wrong with Opera for Linux.
Flash on Opera for Linux as operapluginwrap eating all available CPU is still a problem. Yes, Figure 1 shows it at 93 percent CPU. When operapluginwrap isn't eating all the CPU, Opera takes a lot less CPU than Firefox does, from my experience. However, Firefox's infamously high CPU utilization may be based on its own Adobe Flash implementation. The problem in either case is that most websites base their delivery of Flash protocol on Adobe's specific implementation, not the standard itself, making Flash unavoidable if one wishes to see Flash content on most websites.
Figure 1 operapluginwrap is hungry
You can run a separate instance of Opera Unite with Flash disabled (see Part 2) to deal with it. Or create an automated kill script issuing the following command:
$ pkill operapluginwrap
every few minutes to deal with this.
I don't know if this is true of Windows and OSX versions.