[1] In the days of the Cold War, U.S. war planners had to be able to distinguish whether a heat bloom was a gas well or a missile launch. In such situations, a "false positive" and a "false negative" could be equally catastrophic. This is why not only communications was important, but the quality and accuracy of the information received by decision makers. The same holds true with today's disaster recovery planners.
[2] The U.S. military has often invoked an old saying, "No battle plan stands first contact with the enemy." This is a universal truism that is applicable to any military force, and translates (at least conceptually) to any language. It probably dates back in spirit 50,000 years, to the days of cave men running terrified from a well-planned battle, screaming, "They have clubs!" Unexpected things happen in battle, and situations change from what was planned. The same principle applies when planning for handling business disasters.