How to Create a New Page
Every Web site needs pages and creating new pages in Dreamweaver is a nice, straightforward process. You can create all your pages before you start and add content later, or you can create the pages on the fly as you need them. As with most things in Web design, you will find the way that works for you. If you already have a clear idea of how the finished site will look, you might want to create the pages now.
Save Your First Page
As you know, simply opening Dreamweaver takes you to an empty document window. This is your first page or at least it will be after you save it. Type a couple words at the top of the page and choose File, Save. Browse to the folder on your hard drive where the files for this site are going to be stored. In the File name box, type Index and click Save.
Define a Home Page
Every Web site needs a home page, the first page that visitors to your site see. You establish the home page for your site by calling the file either index.htm or default.htm. You should never have one of each, and your hosting service will let you know which of the page names to use. The server knows to send that page first when a viewer accesses the address or URL for your site. Dreamweaver also recognizes a file with either of these names as your home page. From the Site menu, click Site Files to open the Site window. Click the Navigation button to see the index.htm file icon in the middle of the Navigation pane.
Create a New Blank Page
A Web site with only one page is a very small and probably incomplete site. As you develop content for your site, you will obviously need more and more pages. If the Site window is open, you can create a new page by choosing File, New Window. If you have closed the Site window and are back at your home page, choose File, New Window to create a new page.
Create a New Page from a Template
Note that the File menu contains a New from Template option. Unlike some other Web design software, Dreamweaver does not provide templates of predesigned Web pages. Dreamweaver expects you to make your own templates for your Web pages. You learn to create templates in Part 13, "Reusing Information". Although you can select File, New from Template, the Select Template dialog box that opens shows no templates.
Create a New Page from an Existing Page
If you have created pages using other software, you can edit those pages in Dreamweaver and make them a part of your new site. To use an existing HTML file, choose File, Open and browse to the file you want to open.
Save the Page to the Site
If the file you just opened is not already saved in the current site, choose File, Save As and browse to folder for the current site. Name the file and click Save.
How To Hints
Saving All the Elements of Existing Pages
If you are planning on using pages that have been created previously in other applications, remember that the image files contained in the existing pages must also be saved into the current site folder.
When you move image files to new folders, remember that the paths to these image files must be updated in your page files to reflect the new locations. Otherwise you will have broken image links when you upload your pages to the remote server.