Every project, including the one in which you're looking for your ideal career, has a beginning. Every house has a foundation.
You are building a foundation for your new career. You are setting out on a journey. And the destination will be your career.
In this installment of the Career Changer's Checklist, you took a look at what you need to get started.
You did this by examining the top 10 questions that assess what you need to get started and lay the foundation. These 10 questions are also the top 10 strategic hurdles you have to jump to begin your journey.
Look back over your notes and you will see, along with the career you have selected, what you need to do to get started in that particular career.
Goals, objectives, maps, materials, contacts, a sense of reality, a positive attitude, a destination, and a schedule are all important for starting out on this journey.
Are you ready to get started? I am.
I hope many of you will continue to read along and share your thoughts and ideas with me through email at or through and also through the comments sections provided by InformIT at the end of each article. I will gladly respond.
Come back next time and let's look at the tenth question, detailed in article 11: "How Willing Are You to Change? (Flexibility!)"