Server Core is a great addition to the Windows Server family. If the estimate of Server Core needing only one-third the patches required by a full Windows installation is accurate, Server Core will be much easier to manage. Resource usage is lower, with around two-thirds of the normal number of services both installed and running.
So far the top uses for Server Core are expected to be domain controllers (and Server Core also supports Read Only Domain Controllers [RODC]) making it ideal for branch office locations, IIS Web servers, and file/print servers.
The installation process for Server Core is the same as for a full installation, and you can use the same automated installation methods as for a full installation. To configure and manage a core installation, use a slightly different process than you use for a full installation, even though many of the methods you use for Server Core can be used on a full server installation. The command-line options in Server Core give you the ability to perform nearly all functions, and where they fall short you can remotely manage your server. But remember that Server Core is still a Windows installation. All the normal command-line tools and scripting capabilities are available, so just because this chapter didn't cover it does not mean it's not an option. For example, the tasklist command is great for seeing the processes running on the system, and taskkill is great for stopping them!
If you want a lower overhead Windows installation, Server Core might be the answer.