You should now be able to come up with a short list of what you like to do. You should also be able to point to why you like to do these tasks/jobs and when you like to do them. Also you should be able to point to what you DON'T like to do.
What do you like to do? This is the second question. Now when you look at your responses to the first question and this second question, what are your career directions? Do you see something developing that you did not see before?
Remember that whatever you say now is simply a more refined hypothesis as we diagnose your career options in the coming weeks. My list is also simply a hypothesis. There are more questions that will direct you to the proper treatment.
I hope many of you will continue to read along and share your thoughts and ideas with me through email at and also through the comments sections provided by InformIT at the end of each article. I will gladly respond.
Come back next time and let's look at the third question: What can you do? (Restrictions! What's stopping you?)