Other Repository Sites
Not all the sites listed at http://www.apt-get.org/main/ are still up, and of those, not all are actively maintained. Check before adding to source.list; look in the distribution directories for files not less than a few months old. These are usually special-purpose—some are the packages that are about to go into regular Debian distributions from the usual developers (i.e. bleeding-edge).
Also, many Linux software developers who provide downloadable .deb binaries also provide Debian repositories to allow automated installation of their software. If you see binaries, look around the site for their own repository. If you see a listing that starts with:
deb [URL and section]
like you see in sources.list, just follow the instructions on adding a repository in the "Importing Repository GPG Keys" section earlier.
You Can’t Get It to Install After Trying Everything?
Find another application. There’s generally an alternative software choice for almost anything in Linux, and it’s probably available in a Debian package.
For More Information
Find the Apt HOW-TO document.
Also look at the man files for the applications discussed here:
$ man apt $ man dpkg $ man aptitude