Step 4: Posting your PHP code to the server
When you've copied the file hello.php into the www folder, you can run it by clicking the EasyPHP icon in the Windows system tray (the area in the bottom-right corner of your Windows display). When you click the icon, you'll see a text menu. Click the Local Web option. At this point, you'll see a Web page listing all the PHP files in the www folder, as well as your recently added hello.php file. All the files in this folder are listed along with the following attributes: date and time last modified, size, and description (Figure 4).
Figure 4 The EasyPHP local Web page
So how do you actually execute the PHP code? Easy—just click the file hello.php. You should next see a new browser window containing the text as illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Your first piece of PHP code
If you see "Hello World," then you've successfully run your first piece of PHP code. You can add more files to the www folder as you write them, and just click on them to execute the contained PHP code. You can also edit the files inside the www folder; the changes will be reflected the next time you run the file.