Here's some advice in equipping yourself for your travels:
Before purchasing travel power doodads, try to make sure that they support your device(s) in terms of power requirements and tips/plugs/whatever.
Try out each device at home or in the office, before you rely on it for a tripideally, at least a week or more ahead of time, to give you time for a serious test.
Read the instructions carefully, particularly for connecting to cars and airplanes (for example, "Don't use while starting the car").
Label each item. Label chargers regarding what they go with; note on the batteries when you got them, to help anticipate when they're likely to expire. Label sets of batteries so you don't mix them. And put your name (and maybe address) labels on everything.
Pack in easy-to-search bagsclear plasticand stick a business card in each bag, in case things get mislaid during security searches.
Do your best to keep your power pile reasonable; because, of course, in addition to this stuff, there's the pile of cables, adapters, mice, headsets, media and drivers/readers, and other things you're never sure you can do without.