Praise For Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example

"This is how programming should be taught…This is an excellent C++ book for readers who are already familiar with programming." -- Computing Reviews, September 2000

"The unconventional approach of this textbook starts with the most useful parts of C++ rather than the most primitive ones…" -- SciTech Book News, December 2000

"Koenig and Moo's work is highly recommended for experienced C++ programmers." --Conrad Weisert, Information Disciplines, Inc.,, March 2001

"I just browsed through the C++ Reading list and noticed that one of the best introductory books on C++ is missing, Accelerated C++" - C/C++ Users Journal,

"This book is definitely worth reading.", May 2001

"Historically, it broke new ground by being the first beginner's book using a modern approach at teaching the language.", Nov 2010

Reviews on the web

Kenneth R. Frazer
Francis Glassborow (for the Association of C and C++ Users)
Jack Klein
Angelika Langer
Sören Meyer-Eppler
Rawitat Pulam
Peter N. Roth (in Dr. Dobb's Journal)
Conrad Weisert
Baptiste Wicht