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Question 1: Where are the rest of the examples files on the CD (e.g., from chapter 35 is missing on the CD)?
Solution 1: The examples were not intended to be included with the title. However, there is a very resourceful site at with great scripts.
Question 2: In Chapter 21 (specifically page 458 and onward) several of the IE DHTML examples of special effects, do not work in my browser. I use IE 5.5. The book mentioned that they should work in any IE browser version 4.0 and up.
Solution 2: Those features only work if DirectX 6 or higher is installed.
Question 3: Important information regarding possible conflicts with Macromedia Fireworks.
Solution 3: IMPORTANT NOTE: There is an issue between the trial version of Macromedia Fireworks and some software being used by Earthlink and Mindspring customers that can prevent the trial version from functioning as it should. If you are an Earthlink or Mindspring customer using Windows, please read this TechNote to find out how to avoid this conflict:
Special Edition Using HTML 4 clearly defines the HTML language in its present form. By honing in on the daily realities of site design needs, the superfluous elements of the language are set aside, and real-world solutions are provided in a clear and concise fashion. You will learn which tools are best, how to code HTML, and the basic principles of Web publishing and graphic design. You will also learn how to take your sites into the next millennium with highly interactive and competitive technologies, including secure transactions, databases, audio and video, and practical programming techniques.