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Foundational principles of both digital and traditional art–Thoroughly introduces digital techniques and workflows while fully applying traditional artistic techniques such as life drawing and sculpture.
~Helps students understand both the new techniques of digital 3D modeling and their close relationship to time-tested artistic principles.
Appropriate for all 3D applications, industries, and tools–Teaches foundational modeling principles that students can utilize in any environment.
~Helps students prepare to create 3D models for any purpose, using any toolset.
Logical, incremental organization–Helps students build their skills incrementally, one step at a time.
~Makes modeling far more accessible and understandable, even for students who have never done it before.
Coverage of both organic and non-organic prop modeling–Covers a wide range of models, both living and non-living.
~Thoroughly prepares students for whatever type of modeling project they are called upon to execute.
Eight chapter-length case studies–Walks students one step at a time through modeling organic bipeds, hands, heads, quadrupeds, equipment, vehicles, and more.
~Gives students the hands-on experience they need to succeed in their own assignments.
Thorough workflow coverage–Covers the entire digital modeling process, from start to finish.
~Helps students handle any phase of digital modeling as part of a team<197>or build complete models entirely on their own.
By one of the field’s leading instructors and professionals–Authored by Shawn Dunn, long-time digital modeling instructor, Alias/Wavefront consultant, and digital modeler for Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.
~Gives students confidence that they are receiving information that is thorough, accurate, clear, and useful–and reflects the challenges they will actually face.
Digital Modeling teaches essential principles of modeling with the successful digital series, applying traditional artistic principles to digital art. This book teaches foundational modeling principles that are essential regardless of software or industry, while covering the how and why of building and molding surfaces. Coverage builds logically and becomes more advanced as the book progresses.
The foundation of any 3D production work starts with good models. Properly built models will render efficiently, deform properly, and texture easily, making projects easier to complete. Digital Modeling is about 3D modeling workflows and is targeted toward the beginner to intermediate reader. The book educates readers about tools and workflows that can be used to build 3D models for production as well as classical skills such as life drawing and sculpture. The first section covers the artistic background that is helpful in 3D modeling. The second section provides the reader with the basics of modeling and introduces the fundamental tools and concepts that are used throughout the book. The last three sections cover different types of models found in production and the workflows used for generating those models, such as environments, organic modeling, and non-organic or prop modeling.
1. Introduction to Modeling and Setup.
2. Anatomy and Motion.
3. Sculpture.
4. Model Design .
5. Surface Types.
6. Basic Modeling Concepts.
7. Curves.
8. Landscapes.
9. Cityscape/Village.
10. Modeling an Organic Biped.
11. Modeling Hands.
12. Modeling a Head.
13. Modeling a Quadruped.
14. Modeling a Quadruped continued.
15. Deformers and Modeling.
16. Modeling Equipment for the Biped.
17. Modeling Equipment for the Quadruped.
18. Modeling a Vehicle.