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Question 1: Is there updated source code or errata available for this title?
Solution 1: You can find errata for this title at
Question 2: I can't copy the CD files to my hard drive.
Solution 2: After you do the initial install, go to the start/programs menu then select Source code at the bottom with the computer with the blue screen. This will install the source code to your hard drive.
Question 3: When I run the 1st 'scratch program', page 50, it gives me the "Runtime error '424', object required". The line it points to is:
imHappy.Picture = LoadPicture("\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Graphics\Bitmaps\Assorted\Happy.bmp")
Solution 3: The problem is that the file named HAPPY.BMP must not be located in the typical directory where VB normally places it. Depending on the installation options, the file may not even have been installed at all.
The overall steps needed to fix this problem:
1. Locate HAPPY.BMP
2. Replace the path in the program with the correct path on your PC.
I would use the Windows Find feature to locate HAPPY.BMP on the hard disk. You can click the Windows Start button and select Find - Files and Folders, type HAPPY.BMP and press Enter to locate the file. If it's found,
you'll have to look at its location directory path, which may be very long, and put that exact path in the code. If you do not find it, do a Find on the VB CD-ROM itself. If you find it, you can create a directory on your hard disk and copy the files from that CD's directory to your hard disk directory
and use the new hard disk directory path for this program (other programs use these BMP files as well.)
Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic 6 in 21 Days is a tutorial that allows you to learn about working with databases in a set amount of time. The book presents you with a step-by-step approach to learning what can be a critical topic for developing applications. Each week will focus on a different aspect of database programming with Visual Basic. Some of the topics covered are data controls, programming with the Microsoft Jet Engine, and programming with the ODBC Interface and SQL.
Who Should Read This Book. What You Need to Use This Book. Quick Course Summary. What's Not Covered in This Book. What's on the CD-ROM? Online Resources.
1. Database Programming Basics.Starting Your New Visual Basic Project. Adding the Database Control. Adding the Bound Input Controls. Adding the New and Delete Command Buttons. What Are Relational Databases? Visual Basic Database Field Types. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
2. Visual Basic Database Access Objects.Dataset-Oriented Versus Data Record-Oriented. The Dynaset-type Recordset Data Object. The Table-type Recordset Data Object. Strengths of the Table-type Recordset Data Object. The Snapshot-type Recordset Data Object. The Data Control Database Data Object. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
3. Creating Data Entry Forms with Bound Controls.What Are Bound Data Controls? Using the Data Control. Adding the Bound Text Control and the Bound Label Control. Adding the Bound Check Box Control. Adding the Bound OLE Control. General Design Rules for Quality Forms. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
4. Input Validation.What Is Input Validation? Common Input Validation Rules. Field-Level Validation. Form-Level Validation. Using the <F35014M>VText Custom Control. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
5. Writing Reports for Visual Basic 6 Applications.Understanding Report Writing. Creating a Report with the Data Report Designer. Formatting Your Report. Inserting Headers and Footers. Creating Reports Using SQL Statements. Building More Complex Data Reports. Exporting Data. Creating Data Reports from Joined Tables. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
6. Using the Visdata Program.Using Visdata to Maintain Databases and Tables. The Visdata Opening Screen. What's on the Visdata File Menu? Using Visdata to Add Tables and Indexes to the Database. What's on the Visdata Utility Menu? What's on the Visdata Windows and Help Menus? Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
7. Selecting Data with SQL.What Is SQL? SQL Basics. The <F35014M>SELECT_FROM Statement. SQL Aggregate Functions. More SQL DML Statements. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
Day 1: Database Programming Basics. Day 2: Visual Basic Database Access Objects. Day 3: Creating Data Entry Forms with Bound Controls. Day 4: Input Validation. Day 5: Writing Reports for Visual Basic Applications. Day 6: Using the Visdata Program. Day 7: Selecting Data with SQL.
8. Visual Basic and the DAO Jet Database Engine.What Is the DAO Database Engine? Building the DAO Project. The DBEngine Object Methods and Properties. The Workspace Data Object. The Database Data Object. The QueryDef Data Object. Building the QueryDef Form. Other DAO Jet Objects. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
9. Creating Database Programs with the Data Environment Designer.Introducing the Data Environment Designer (DED). Using the Data Environment Designer. Creating a Data Entry Application with DED. Creating Your Own Data-Bound Controls. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
10. Displaying Your Data with Graphs.The Advantages of Graphing Your Data. Loading and Using the Microsoft Chart Control. Creating the <F35014M>CHARTING Project. Copying, Saving, and Printing Your Charts. Creating Your Data Chart DLL Component. Testing the <F35014M>DataGraph Component. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
11. Data-Bound List Boxes, Grids, and Subforms.The Data-Bound List and Combo Boxes. The Data-Bound Grid. Using the <F35014M>dbFind Custom Control. Using the Data Grid to Create a Subform. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
12. Creating Databases with SQL.Using the <F35014M>SQL-VB6 Interpreter. Why Use SQL to Create and Manage Data Tables? Using Table Management SQL Keywords. Using Relationship SQL Keywords. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
13. Error Handling in Visual Basic 6.Error Handling in General. Error Handling in Visual Basic. The Built-In Visual Basic Error Objects. Creating Your Own Error Handlers. Creating a Simple Error Handler. Types of Errors. Reporting Errors in External Components. Using the Error Handler OLE Component. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
14. Updating Databases with SQL.Using Data Manipulation SQL Keywords. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
Day 8: Visual Basic and the DAO Jet Database Engine. Day 9: Creating Database Programs with the Data Environment Designer. Day 10: Displaying Your Data with Graphs. Day 11: Data-Bound List Boxes, Grids, and Subforms. Day 12: Creating Databases with SQL. Day 13: Error Handling in Visual Basic 6. Day 14: Updating Databases with SQL.
15. Database Normalization.What Is Data Normalization? A Typical Database Before Normalization. Applying the Rules of Data Normalization. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
16. Multiuser Considerations.Understanding Database Locking Schemes. Database Locking. Using Cascading Updates and Deletes. Adding Transaction Management to Database Application. Summary. Quiz. Exercises.
17. Using the Remote Data Control and the RDO Model.The RDO Object Model Summary. The Basics of Remote Data Access. Building an ODBC Definition. Programming with the Remote Data Control. Programming with RDO. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
18. Using the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).What Is ADO? Special ADO Properties. Programming with the ADO Data Control (ADODC). Building the ADO Data Control Project. Starting the ADO Data Entry Project. Programming with the ADO Library (ADODB). Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
19. Attaching to Databases.Benefits of Attaching Tables. Disadvantages of Attaching Data Tables. Attaching Data with Visdata. Working with DAO to Attach a Table. Attaching Data with DAO Code. The New Generation: Attaching Data with ADO. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
20. Database Replication.What Is Database Replication? Why Use Database Replication? When Is Database Replication Not a Good Idea? Making a Database Replicable. What Happens to a Database When You Make It Replicable? Creating Replicas. Synchronizing Members of a Replica Set. Resolving Synchronization Conflicts. Errors That May Occur During Replication. Replication Topologies. Keeping Database Elements from Replicating. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
21. Securing Your Database Applications.Database Security. Application Security. Building a Test Application. About the <F35014M>SECURITY COM Object. Adding User Login and Logout Security. Adding Permission-Checking Security. Adding User Action Auditing. Adding Data Field Change Auditing. Summary. Quiz. Exercise.
Day 15: Database Normalization. Day 16: Multiuser Considerations. Day 17: Using the Remote Data Control and the RDO Model. Day 18: Using the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). Day 19: Attaching to Databases. Day 20: Database Replication. Day 21: Securing Your Database Applications.
APPENDIX - Answers to Quizzes and Exercises.Day 1, “Database Programming Basics”. Day 2, “Visual Basic Database Access Objects”. Day 3, “Creating Data Entry Forms with Bound Controls”. Day 4, “Input Validation”. Day 5, “Writing Reports For Visual Basic 6 Applications”. Day 6, “Using the Visdata Program”. Day 7, “Selecting Data with SQL”. Day 8, “Visual Basic and the DAO Jet Database Engine”. Day 9, “Creating Database Programs with the Data Environment Designer”. Day 10, “Displaying Your Data with Graphs”. Day 11, “Data-Bound List Boxes, Grids, and Subforms”. Day 12, “Creating Databases with SQL”. Day 13, “Error Handling in Visual Basic 6". Day 14, ”Updating Databases with SQL". Day 15, “Database Normalization”. Day 16, “Multiuser Considerations”. Day 17, “Using the Remote Data Control and the RDO Model”. Day 18, “Using the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)”. Day 19, “Attaching to Databases”. Day 20, “Database Replication”. Day 21, “Securing Your Database Applications”.