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New World of Wireless, The: How to Compete in the 4G Revolution

Rough Cuts

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  • Copyright 2010
  • Pages: 208
  • Edition: 1st
  • Rough Cuts
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-702633-1
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-702633-3

This is the Rough Cut version of the printed book.

“The New World of Wireless is an impressive, thoughtful journey that helps business leaders see over the horizon to our unwired future, where we belong.”

John Chen, Chairman, CEO, and President, Sybase, Inc.

“Snyder’s book provides a thought-provoking look into the 4G future. While technical details abound, the importance of this work relates more to the social, business, and political implications of 4G technology. Snyder has provided us a glimpse of how different our lives will be in the not-so-distant future, and done so with amazing insight. It is truly a must-read.”

Stanton Sloane, PhD, CEO, SRA International

Prepare for a Wireless Revolution That May Prove Even More Disruptive Than the Internet Revolution

Why next-gen 4G technology will lead to a radical, qualitative shift in how you use wireless How to leverage “digital swarms” of distributed, self-organizing groups to transform your business Indispensable new insight for CXOs, board members, strategists, and consultants in all industries Next-generation 4G wireless technology won’t just be faster: It will offer breakthrough opportunities for competitive advantage. 4G will accelerate a massive power shift that’s already well underway: the emergence of decentralized, self-organizing “digital swarms” both inside and outside the enterprise. This book will help you understand both the technology and the radically new organizations it will make possible. You’ll discover how these changes will affect you...how to innovate around 4G wireless to build profitability and market share... how to anticipate and manage business risks you’ve never even imagined before... how to harness the relentless “digital swarms” that are now rising to power in your company and your marketplace!

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Foreword . . . x

Acknowledgments . . . xiii

About the Author . . . xiv

Introduction . . . 1

Chapter 1 The Swarm Analogy and the Wireless Revolution . . .9

Chapter 2 Digital Swarm Drivers . . . 21

Chapter 3 Possible Future Scenarios: Convergence, Collision, Confluence . . . 37

Chapter 4 The Swarm Effect: Implications for You and Your Company . . .65

Chapter 5 Organizing for Success: Strategies and Options . . . 77

Chapter 6 Monitoring and Adapting to Early Signals . . . 101

Chapter 7 Killer Swarm Apps . . . 113

Chapter 8 Swarm Leadership . . . 129

Appendix A Taking the WiQ Survey . . . 135

Appendix B Wireless 101: Inside the Technology . . . 139

Endnotes . . . 177

Index . . . 183


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