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The realistic, no-hype guide to RFID evaluation, planning, and deployment
Approaching crucial decisions about Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology? This book will help you make choices that maximize the business value of RFID technology and minimize its risks. IBM's Sandip Lahiri, an experienced RFID solution architect, presents up-to-the-minute insight for evaluating RFID; defining optimal strategies, blueprints, and timetables; and deploying systems that deliver what they promise.
Drawing on his experience, Lahiri offers candid assessments of RFID's potential advantages, its technical capabilities and limitations, and its business process implications. He identifies pitfalls that have tripped up early adopters, and shows how to overcome or work around them. This must-have resource can also act as a reference guide to any nontechnical person who wants to know about the technology.
From building business cases to testing tags, this book shares powerful insights into virtually every issue you're likely to face. Coverage includes
RFID Sourcebook will help you ask the tough the right applications...avoid costly more effectively with suppliers and partners...time your initiative...even find alternatives to RFID when that makes sense. Whatever your role in RFID strategy, planning, or execution, have Sandip Lahiri's experience and knowledge on your side: You'll dramatically improve your odds of success.
© Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Chapter related to this title.
1. Technology Overview.
2. Advantages of the Technology.
3. Limitations of the Technology.
4. Application Areas.
5. Privacy Concerns.
6. RFID Versus Bar Code.
7. The RFID Strategy.
8. Creating Business Justification for RFID.
9. Designing and Implementing an RFID Solution.
10. Standards.
11. Closing Thoughts.
Appendix A. RFID Vendors, News Sources, and Conferences.
Appendix B. Passive Tag Manufacturing Overview.
For example, regulatory bodies (governmental entities) of different countries might impose restrictions on RFID use specific to their country of authority. Likewise, standards bodies (both domestic and international) might prescribe RFID build specifications to address real-world issues. Businesses might look for ways to use RFID to improve customer service. Privacy rights groups might suggest ways to use RFID technology that do not infringe on individual privacy rights. The list goes on.
Currently, the agendas of various interested parties have yet to converge. In addition, RFID technology is changing at a rapid pace. Therefore, potential users of RFID technology face a number of uncertainties. However, potential users and others curious about this emerging technology, including the following, will find many of their concerns addressed in this book:
As you can see from the preceding list, this book provides hype-free information that addresses the concerns and needs of a wide audience. A good understanding of the various aspects of RFID can help potential users understand how the technology can be used to serve one's interests. Such an understanding can, in turn, potentially accelerate the adoption of RFID in everyday scenarios. This book provides a solid foundation for understanding RFID technology, and serves as a catalyst for wider adoption of the technology in our lives.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that this book is error free,
some errors might have crept into print. Readers can e-mail the author at
with comments regarding this book and suggestions to make it better. Businesses
can contact the author at this e-mail to describe RFID deployments. Vendors
that are interested in listing products and services in this book can contact
the author at this same e-mail address.
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file related to this title.