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The hands-on, simulation-based introduction to analog electronics.
Analog Electronics with LabVIEW is the first comprehensive introduction to analog electronics that makes full use of computer simulation. Kenneth L. Ashley introduces analog electronics through a series of theory/project sections, in which theoretical presentations correlate directly with circuit measurement and analysis projects. The results of experiments are used to extract device model parameters used in subsequent electronic circuit analysis, providing a significant enhancement in the understanding of modern, computer-based electronic-circuit simulation. Readers will master not only the fundamentals of analog electronics, but also data acquisition and circuit simulation with LabVIEW, basic circuit-solution computation with Mathcad, and circuit simulation with Cadence Schematics or Capture. Coverage includes:
For those new to LabVIEW, the book also contains a complete introductory tutorial with emphasis relevant to analog-electronics applications.
CD-ROM INCLUDEDThe accompanying CD-ROM includes a complete copy of LabVIEW 6 Student Edition Software, along with all the LabVIEW, Mathcad, and Schematics (or Capture) files you need to perform the experiments and exercises in this book, plus samples of all project measurement and data files for measurement simulation.
Analog Electronics: Common-Source Amplifier Stage
Click here for a sample chapter for this book: 0130470651.pdf
Hardware and Software Requirements.
LabVIEW VI Libraries and Project and Problem Folders and Files.
1. Elementary Circuit Analysis for Analog Electronics.
Resistor Voltage Divider and the MOSFET DC Gate Voltage. Output Circuit and DC Drain Voltage. Frequency Response of the Amplifier Stage. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
BJT and MOSFET Schematic Symbols, Terminal Voltages, and Branch Currents. Fundamentals of Signal Amplification: The Linear Circuit. Basic NMOS Common-Source Amplifier. Transistor Output Resistance and Limiting Gain. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects. References to the Electronic Book Sequence.
Physical Description of the MOSFET. Output and Transfer Characteristics of the MOSFET. Body Effect and Threshold Voltage. Derivation of the Linear-Region Current-Voltage Relation. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
Amplifier Circuit and Signal Equivalent Circuits. Transistor Variable Incremental Relationships. Transconductance Parameter. Body-Effect Transconductance Parameter. Output Conductance Parameter. Graphical Perspective of Output Characteristics and the Load Line. Summary of Equations.
DC (Bias) Circuit. Amplifier Voltage Gain. Linearity of the Gain of the Common-Source Amplifier. Current-Source Common-Source Amplifier: Common-Source Amplifier with a Source Resistor. Design of a Basic Common-Source Amplifier. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
Grounded-Source Amplifier: Coupling Capacitor. Current-Source Bias Amplifier: Bypass Capacitor. Precision Formulation of the Low-Frequency Gain and Characteristic Frequencies. Load Coupling Capacitor. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
DC (Bias) Circuit. Source-Follower Voltage Transfer Relation. Body Effect and Source-Follower Voltage Transfer Relation. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
DC (Bias) Circuit. DC Imbalances. Signal Voltage Gain of the Ideal Differential Amplifier Stage. Effect of the Bias Resistor on Voltage Gain. Differential Voltage Gain. Common-Mode Voltage Gain. Voltage Gains Including Transistor Output Resistance. Body Effect and Voltage Gain. Amplifier Gain with Differential and Common-Mode Inputs. Comparison of Numerical Gain Results. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
Basic Current Source. Current Source with Source Degeneration. Differential Amplifier Balancing Circuit. Summary of Equations.
DC (Bias) Circuit. Signal Voltage Gain. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
Operational Amplifiers with Resistance Feedback. Output Resistance of the Resistor Feedback Amplifier. Operational Amplifier Offset. DC Stabilization with the Feedback Resistor. Frequency Response of the Operational Amplifier and Resistor Feedback Amplifier. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
Operational Amplifier Integrator. Operational Amplifier Oscillator. Summer of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
Combining NMOS and PMOS Circuits in Cascade. Amplifier Gain of Differential Amplifier and Common-Source Stage in Cascade. Stabilization of Signal Gain and Bias Current with a Source Resistor. Common-Source Stage as a Series - Series Feedback Circuit. Shunt - Series Cascade Amplifier. Summary of Equations.
Current-Source Bias for the Differential Amplifier Stage. Current-Source Output Resistance and Common-Mode Gain. Current-Source Load for the Common-Source Stage. Current-Source Load for the Differential Stage. Two-Stage Amplifier with Current-Source Biasing. Output Buffer Stage. Output Resistance of the Feedback Amplifier and Effect on Gain from Loading. Output Stage of the TS271 Opamp. Summary of Equations.
Basics of Sending and Receiving Circuit Voltages. ADC and the Autoranging Voltmeter. A LabVIEW Oscilloscope and Voltmeter (ac). Measuring the Discrete Characteristics of Sending and Receiving Voltages. Sending and Receiving Waveforms. Summary of Programming Projects.
Fundamentals of Bipolar Junction Transistor Action. Base-Width Dependence on Junction Voltage. BJT Base, Emitter, and Collector Currents in the Active Mode. Diode-Connected Transistor Circuits for Measuring Base and Collector Current. Output Characteristics of BJT in the Common-Emitter Mode. SPICE Solution for IC versus VCE of the Measurement Circuit. Collector - Emitter Voltage and Collector Current in the Saturation Region. SPICE BJT ÙDC as a Function of Collector Current. Signal or Incremental Common-Emitter Current Gain. Summary of Equations. Exercises and Projects.
DC (Bias) Analysis. Linear or Signal Model for the BJT. Amplifier Voltage Gain. Accuracy of Transistor Gain Measurements. Effect of Finite Slope of the Transistor Output Characteristic. Selection of Coupling Capacitors. Common-Emitter Amplifier with Active Load. Frequency Response of the NPN - PNP Amplifier Due to the Base Shunt Capacitor. Common-Emitter Stage with Emitter Resistor and the Emitter-Follower Amplifier Stage. Summary of BJT Model Parameter Relations. Summary of Circuit Equations. Exercises and Projects.
Resistor Voltage Divider Measurements. Resistor Voltage Divider with Current Measurement. Resistor Voltage Divider with Resistor Measurement. Resistor Voltage Divider with a Sine-Wave Source Voltage. Frequency Response of a Resistor - Capacitor Circuit.
NMOS Common-Source Circuit with Drain Current Measurement. NMOS Common-Source Amplifier with Resistor Gate Bias Circuit. Amplifier with Signal and Gain Measurement.
SPICE Parameters and Pin Diagram. SPICE Equations. PMOS Transistor. Low-Voltage Linear Region of the Output Characteristic. PMOS Parameters from the Transfer Characteristic. PMOS Lambda from the Transfer Characteristic. PMOS Output Characteristic. PMOS Lambda.
SPICE Parameters and Pin Diagram. NMOS Transistor. SPICE Equations. NMOS Parameters from the Transfer Characteristic. NMOS Lambda from the Transfer Characteristic. NMOS Gamma SubVI. NMOS Gamma. NMOS Circuit with Body Effect.
SPICE Equations and Pin Diagram. PMOS Common-Source Amplifier DC Setup. Amplifier Gain at One Bias Current. Amplifier Gain versus Bias Current.
PMOS Schematic and Pin Diagram. SPICE PMOS and Circuit Equations. PMOS Current-Source Amplifier DC Setup. Amplifier Gain. Amplifier Frequency Response.
SPICE Equations and Pin Diagram. NMOS Common-Source Amplifier DC Evaluation. Amplifier Gain at Optimum Bias for Linear Output. Optimum Bias Stability Test. Amplifier Frequency Response.
SPICE Equations and Pin Diagram. Source-Follower DC Evaluation. Source-Follower Voltage Transfer Relation. Source-Follower Voltage Transfer. Relation with Body Effect.
SPICE Equations and Pin Diagram. DC Evaluation of the Single-Power-Supply Differential Amplifier. Determination of the PMOS Parameters. Amplifier Gain Measurement. Transistor Parameters and DC Imbalance. Common-Mode Gain Measurement.
SPICE Equations and Pin Diagram. Evaluation of the Current-Source Circuit. Evaluation of the Mirror-Current Circuit. Evaluation of the Bias Setup. Measurement of Amplifier Gain versus Drain Current.
SPICE Equations. Bias Circuit Setup. Opamp Offset Voltage. Evaluation of the Bias Balancing Circuit. Evaluation of the Gain and Signal Limits with Scanned Input. Evaluation of the Gain with Sine-Wave and Square-Wave Signals. Determination of the Opamp Frequency Response.
SPICE Equations. Opamp Integrator. Opamp Oscillator.
Sending and Receiving Voltages with the Sending and Receiving VIs. Sending and Receiving Voltages from the Front Panel. Plotting Measured Samples. Using the Autoranging Voltmeter. Observing the Oscilloscope Output Graph. Discrete Output Voltage from the DAQ. Discrete Input Voltage from the Circuit Board. Using the Simultaneous Sending/Receiving Functions.
SPICE Parameters and Transistor Diagram. SPICE Equations. Diode Connected Transistor Measurements. Measurement of ÙDC versus the Collector Current. BJT Output Characteristic Measurement. Simulation of Output Characteristic Measurement.
SPICE Equations and Pin Diagram. DC Circuit Setup and Parameter Determination. Amplifier Gain at One Bias Current. Amplifier Gain versus Bias Current. Gain-Measurement Frequency Response.
SPICE Equations and Pin Diagram. Measurement of the PNP Parameters. DC Circuit Setup. Measurement of the Amplifier Gain.
This book presents a study of analog electronics as a stand-alone course or as a course to be augmented by one of the many complete undergraduate textbooks on the subject. Theory and closely coupled laboratory projects, which are based entirely on computer-based data acquisition, follow in a sequential format. All analytical device characterization formulations are based exactly on SPICE.In addition to traditional curricula in electrical engineering and electronics technology, the course is suitable for the practicing engineer in industry. For the engineer with a general undergraduate electronics background, for example, the course of study can provide an upgrade in basic analog electronics. Under these or similar circumstances, it can be taken as self-paced or with minimum supervision.
Two course sequences are possible, depending on the emphasis desired:
With both approaches, all the measurement LabVIEW programs are provided. Many of the extraordinary features provided by LabVIEW are included in the programs. The programs therefore may serve additionally as a tutorial in advanced aspects of LabVIEW. The basics of operational amplifiers and their applications are treated in two units and two projects.
The book format consists of one or more units of background material for each laboratory project. A given set of theoretical units and the associated project have a related Mathcad problems file ( and Mathcad exercise file (, relating to the theory and project, respectively. The files are also in a pdf format (ProblemXX.pdf, ExerciseXX.pdf). A Mathcad file ( for evaluating the results of the projects is included with each project. Accompanying each Mathcad project file are SPICE simulator files based on PSPICE. The SPICE models for the simulations use, in each case, the parameters for the devices obtained in laboratory projects. Since the Mathcad projects use the exact SPICE formulations, the results from Mathcad and SPICE are identical in the case of the use of basic simulation levels.
Samples of all of the projects have been completed and are included. These provide for either demonstrations or simulated results without actually running the programs with circuits. The measured data are stored in LabVIEW graphics and can be extracted to obtain data files in the same manner as actually making the measurements. In some cases, the simultaneous taking of data, plotting and curve fitting is simulated. Units 13 and 14 are theoretical only but each has Mathcad problems on the topic of these respective units.
Special features of the lab experience are as follows:
Topics included in this course treat many of the most relevant aspects of basic modern analog electronics without straying into peripheral areas. The course essentially streamlines the study of analog electronics. There is not a unit on, for example, feedback per se, but most basic types of feedback are addressed at some point. The role that the device plays in frequency response is omitted. This is consistent with the fact that to a large extent, the intension is that theory and measurements can be connected.
Students of electrical engineering or electronics engineering of today have a vast array of subjects to attempt to master; it is not reasonable to expect them to labor through a classical extensive study of the subject of analog electronics, although some basic knowledge should be required. Specialization can come at a later stage, if desired.
As mentioned, many LabVIEW features are utilized in the projects. To some extent, the goal of demonstrating the extensive array of the capabilities of LabVIEW influences the design of the various projects. This includes sending voltages (including waveforms), receiving voltages (including autoscaling), scanning, graphics, reading data files, writing data files, computations such as extraction of harmonic content of a signal, assembling data in a composite form, along with a host of array manipulation processes and data curve fitting.