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• Full color – Program listings now include syntax coloring of code to help readers better interpret the code.
• Signature “Live Code™ Approach” – Language features are presented in the context of a wide variety of complete working programs.
– Features thousands of lines of code in hundreds of complete working programs.
– Enables students to confirm that programs run as expected. – Students can also manipulate the code from the CD-ROM in the back of the book or from the book's Companion Website ( or from the author's website (
• Outstanding, consistent and applied pedagogy:
– Icons throughout identify Software Engineering Observations; Good Programming Practices; Common Programming Errors; Portability Tips; Performance Tips, Testing and Debugging Tips, and Look-and-Feel Observations.
– Provides hundreds of valuable programming tips and facilitates learning.
• Extensive set of interesting exercises and substantial projects.
– Enables students to apply what they've learned in each chapter.
With Visual Basic.NET, Microsoft transforms Visual Basic into a supercharged tool for developing next-generation Web services and Windows applications. Now, learn Visual Basic.NET hands-on, through thousands of lines of live code in hundreds of complete working programs -- explained with exceptional clarity by the renowned programming trainers of Deitel & Associates! KEY TOPICS: Visual Basic.NET How to Program starts by introducing the Visual Studio.NET development environment; then covers all key VB.NET programming fundamentals, from control structures to methods, arrays, and object-oriented programming. It delivers in-depth coverage of VB.NET GUI development; multithreading; graphics and multimedia; XML programming; database development with SQL and ADO.NET; building Web Forms and Web Services with ASP.NET; network programming; data structures; accessibility; and more. The book contains hundreds of real-world tips and techniques for writing high-quality code, improving performance and reliability, and efficient debugging. MARKET: For all beginning programmers -- and developers experienced with traditional languages -- who want to master Visual Basic.NET quickly.
(NOTE: Each chapter begins with an Introduction.)
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Computers, Internet and Visual Basic
Chapter 2: Introduction to Visual Basic Express 2005 IDE
Chapter 3: Introduction to Visual Basic Programming
Chapter 4: Introduction to Classes and Objects
Chapter 5: Control Statements: Part 1
Chapter 6: Control Statements: Part 2
Chapter 7: Procedures
Chapter 8: Arrays
Chapter 9: Object-Based Programming: Classes and Objects
Chapter 10: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
Chapter 11: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism
Chapter 12: Exception Handling
Chapter 13: Graphical User Interface Concepts: Part 1
Chapter 14: Graphical User Interface Concepts: Part 2
Chapter 15: Multithreading
Chapter 16: Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions
Chapter 17: Graphics and Multimedia
Chapter 18: Files and Streams
Chapter 19: Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Chapter 20: Database, SQL and ADO.NET
Chapter 21: ASP.NET, Web Forms and Web Controls
Chapter 22: Web Services
Chapter 23: Networking: Streams-Based Sockets and Datagrams
Chapter 24: Data Structures
Chapter 25: Collections (Non-Generic)
Chapter 26: Generics and Generic Collections
Chapter 27: Other Topics
Appendix A: Operator Precedence Chart
Appendix B: Number Systems
Appendix C: Visual Studio .NET Debugger
Appendix D: ASCII Character Set
Appendix E: Unicode
Appendix F: Introduction to XHTML: Part 1
Appendix G: Introduction to XHTML: Part 2
Appendix H: HTML/XHTML Special Characters
Appendix I: HTML/XHTML Colors