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Improve your software development process in a modern context with PSP from the SEI and Watts Humphrey, the foremost expert on this topic.
° An industrial, real-world update; the book will be the required standard for learning the SEI-led initiaitive of PSP in a modern software development environment
° Advice that yields improved efficiency and effectiveness in programming from the foremost expert in software process
° Product launch at SEPG in Seattle (March 2005)
Leaders of software-development projects face many challenges. First, you must produce a quality product on schedule and on budget. Second, you must foster and encourage a cohesive, motivated, and smoothly operating team. And third, you must maintain a clear and consistent focus on short- and long-term goals, while exemplifying quality standards and showing confidence and enthusiasm for your team and its efforts. Most importantly, as a leader, you need to feel and act responsible for your team and everything that it does.
Accomplishing all these goals in a way that is rewarding for the leader and the team--while producing the results that management wants--is the motivation behind the Team Software Process (TSP). Developed by renowned quality expert Watts S. Humphrey, TSP is a set of new practices and team concepts that helps developers take the CMM and CMMI Capability Maturity Models to the next level. Not only does TSP help make software more secure, it results in an average production gain of 68 percent per project. Because of their quality, timeliness, and security, TSP-produced products can be ten to hundreds of times better than other hardware or software.
In this essential guide to TSP, Humphrey uses his vast industry experience to show leaders precisely how to lead teams of software engineers trained in the Personal Software Process (PSP). He explores all aspects of effective leadership and teamwork, including building the right team for the job, the TSP launch process, following the process to produce a quality product, project reviews, and capitalizing on both the leader's and team's capabilities. Humphrey also illuminates the differences between an ineffective leader and a superb one with the objective of helping you understand, anticipate, and correct the most common leadership failings before they undermine the team.
An extensive set of appendices provides additional detail on TSP team roles and shows you how to use an organization's communication and command networks to achieve team objectives.
Whether you are a new or an experienced team leader, TSPSM: Leading a Development Team provides invaluable examples, guidelines, and suggestions on how to handle the many issues you and your team face together.
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1. The Team Leader.
What Management Expects
What the Team Expects
Management Priorities Versus Team Interests
The Team's Goals
Setting an Example
The Leadership Attitude
Taking Responsibility
The Team Leader's Job
2. Leadership.
Leadership Problems
Symptoms of Poor Leadership
The Fundamental Leadership Problem
Leading Versus Managing
Leaders Have Followers
The Leader's Vision and Commitment
The Leadership Attitude
Transformational and Transactional Leadership
Becoming a Leader
Acting Like a Leader
Leading from Below
3. Teams.
What Is a Team?
The Power of Teams
Why Teams Are Needed
The Nature of Self-Directed Teams
Membership and Belonging
Commitment to a Common Goal
Owning the Process and Plan
Skill and Discipline
A Dedication to Excellence
The Need for Leadership
4. Team Motivation.
What Is Motivation?
Goals and Motivation
Sustaining Motivation
Motivation and the Job
Kinds of Motivation
Building Motivation
Sustaining Motivation
5. TSP Overview.
The Team Leader's Objectives
Meeting the Team Leader's Objectives
Forming the Team
Launching the Team
Team Ownership
6. Team Formation.
The Selection Process
Inheriting Formed Teams
Selection Criteria
Team Players
Potential Leaders
7. The TSP Team Launch.
Launch Objectives
TSP Launch Overview
Launch Support
Launch Preparation
Leading a TSP Launch
8. Managing to the Plan.
Following the Plan
The First Crisis
Dynamic Planning
Changing Requirements
Maintaining the Plan
Workload Balancing
Tracking Progress
Assessing Status
Getting Help
9. Maintaining Product Focus.
Defining Success
Setting and Maintaining Priorities
Establishing Short-Term Goals
Overcoming Obstacles
Changing Direction
Involving the Customer
10. Following the Process.
Why It Is Important to Follow the Process
The Logic for the PSP
The Logic for the TSP
Why It Is Hard to Follow a Process
Starting to Use the Process
Gathering and Recording Data
Handling Process Problems
Data-Related Problems
Motivating Teams to Follow Their Defined Processes
The Benefits of Following the Process
11. Managing Quality.
What Is Quality?
Why Is Quality Important?
Why Manage Quality?
The Principles of Quality Management
The Quality Journey
The TSP Quality Strategy
Gathering Quality Data
The Developer's Responsibility for Quality
The Team's Responsibility for Quality
Quality Management Methods
Quality Reporting Considerations
Quality Reviews
12. Management Support.
Management Resistance
Project Control
Inadequate Resources
PSP Training
Defining Team Goals
Team Planning
13. Reporting to Management.
The Logic for Reporting
What to Report
Report Contents
When to Report
A Report Example
Asking for Help
14. Protecting the Team.
The Manager's Job
Handling Requests
Frequent Changes
Data Confidentiality
Balancing Priorities
15. Developing the Team.
Assessing the Team
Team Membership
Team Goals
Team Ownership
Team Planning
The Team Quality Commitment
16. Developing Team Members.
Interests, Competence, and Motivation
Challenging Work
Task and Relationship Maturity
Measuring and Evaluating People
Handling Difficult Team Members
Handling Poor Performers
17. Improving Team Performance.
Motivating Improvement
Improvement Goals
Improvement Strategy and Process
Improvement Plans and Resources
Improvement Measures and Feedback
The Elements of Benchmarking
Benchmark Measures
Dynamic Benchmarking
Benchmarking Yourself
18. Being a Team Leader.
What Is Leadership?
Being a Leader or a Manager
The Leadership Role
Coaching While Leading
The Challenges Ahead
Appendix A: Team Roles.
What Roles Are
Why Roles Are Needed
Assigning Role Responsibilities
The TSP Team-Member Roles
Other Team-Member Roles
Selecting Team Roles
Coaching the Role Managers
Role Manager Responsibilities
Appendix B: Networking.
Organizational Networks
Executive Style
Working with the Coach
Working with the SEPG
Quality Assurance
Configuration Management
Independent Testing
Staff and Support Groups
Multi-Team Networks
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